Thursday 5 December 2019

Ambush Marketing is Here For Good

What is Ambush Marketing?

Event marketing is a concept that is known to all. In the events, there are diverse ways of marketing and promotional strategies. When one company hijacks another company’s event for self-promotion without bearing any expense for the same is called Ambush Marketing. It has become a common practice. Even marketing agencies are employing such tactics to create awareness for their respective clients. These are often witnessed in sports events also. Sponsors who are sponsoring the event also experience other companies making hay while they incur the cost of the event. 

The ice factor is doing a good job in this context. They design the concept and strategy for the client company’s goods or services and link the promotion to the event. The event can yield beneficial results for the respective brand as hitting the right audience often brings fruitful results. 

Indirect Ambush Marketing has become a popular way to build brand recognition. Through this technique, the company does not steal the show of the sponsor for the event. As a matter of fact, they too bask in the sun. This means that they simply gain some limelight in the event that has been organized by the sponsor without causing any hindrance in the former’s promotional strategy. This is one of the most common practices in events.

Consumer Engagement of the highest level can be witnessed in such events. There are several companies that look for consumer reaction and through the events; they are able to get the results. Direct feedback is easily possible with the help of consumer engagement. The professionals working in the marketing agency can provide the optimum insight to the client’s company regarding the concept of yielding of consumer attention and engagement. 

The customer in recent years is smart and always on the lookout for products and services that can cater their individualistic requirements. Thus the companies are constantly trying to maintain their loyalty with the consumers by providing the clients with best engagement means. Pricing is also a vital strategy that can bring brand loyalty. 


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